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The Impact of Childhood Hearing Loss on the Family..

Parenting a deaf or hard of hearing child can be challenging, but there are ways to cope and manage with this stress including family- centered support programs.

What was this article about?

A study of 30 families, conducted in the Arab sector in Israel, compared parenting stress in mothers and fathers of deaf and hard of hearing children, and the personal and social coping resources of the parents.

What were the key findings?

  • Both mothers and fathers experience parenting stress although, the study found mothers reported significantly higher self-efficacy. The report suggested this could be a result of the mothers being heavily involved in the daily care of their children, including their deaf or hard of hearing child's intervention program.
  • Parents' frequent interactions with their deaf or hard of hearing children increases their capabilities, both in general as a parent and in relation to specific tasks in caring for their child.
  • Research has shown that mothers with high self-worth regarding supporting their child's speech and language development boosts learning.
  • Resources aimed at building parent self-efficacy were linked with lower levels of parenting stress, for both mothers and fathers.

Where can I read more about this article?

The Impact of Childhood Hearing Loss on the Family: Mothers' and Fathers' Stress and Coping Resources.

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